A&D Firewood

We are located on HWY 29 just outside Almonte Ontario. A&D Firewood has been in business for over ten years, preparing a variety of firewood products for both household and commercial usage.

Bagged Wood Delivered

We currently offer bagged wood to approximately 100 different campgrounds and retail locations throughout the Eastern Ontario region. We provide traditional firewood cutting and splitting as well as custom cutting for outside wood furnaces and other specific firewood applications. A&D Firewood – Bag Wood – We take great pride in our quality of firewood, and truly recognize that it is the quality of the firewood that encourages our customer loyalty and their return business. That was the attitude we had when we discovered the benefits of using our green mesh bags. We didn’t like the black mold that was produced when the wood was stored in plastic for too long, and we needed a solution.

Naturally Seasoned Hardwood

“Bagwood” – Naturally Seasoned Hardwood (1 Cubic Foot Stacked)
Our number one seller! Our Bagwood is recognizable throughout the Ottawa and Eastern Ontario region. A guaranteed seller at convenience stores, service stations and grocery stores, this renewable commodity is quickly becoming a popular alternative energy source for urban homeowners looking to supplement their gas and oil expenditures.
For Commercial Campgrounds, the pre-packaged hardwood is a real time-saver in campsite maintenance. Coupled with our softwood kindling, it’s a simple task to supply a camp site with the necessary firewood for a campfire that will last well into the night.
(Primary contents: Oak, Ash, Maple, Beach)
Wholesale pricing available on request.

Bagged Kindling

“Bagwood” – Naturally Seasoned Hardwood (1 Cubic Foot Stacked)
Our number one seller! Our Bagwood is recognizable throughout the Ottawa and Eastern Ontario region. A guaranteed seller at convenience stores, service stations and grocery stores, this renewable commodity is quickly becoming a popular alternative energy source for urban homeowners looking to supplement their gas and oil expenditures.
For Commercial Campgrounds, the pre-packaged hardwood is a real time-saver in campsite maintenance. Coupled with our softwood kindling, it’s a simple task to supply a camp site with the necessary firewood for a campfire that will last well into the night.
(Primary contents: Oak, Ash, Maple, Beach)
Wholesale pricing available on request.


What doesn’t make the Cord wood grade. Well it’s not that pretty, and it doesn’t stack quite as nice as the cord wood, but it certainly does burn just the same.
It’s the simple truth that every log will create a little camp wood quality product. And we feel nothing should go to waste, so we offer this wood for sale at reduced cost by weight.
Pick-up only…

A&D Firewood

(613) 913-0828

5753 County Rd No. 29, Almonte, ON – K0A 1A0